Datum održavanja: 01.01.1970.

Adresa: Ive Lole Ribara, Mladenovo

Web: www.rimkatbp.com/HR/Galerija/Galerija5.html

The old rectory was first mentioned in 1332. It was renovated in 1731., while it was the branch of Bačko Novo Selo. The church is dedicated to St. Ivan the Baptizer, it was built in 1812., and enlarged in 1934. The lenght of the church is 44,83m, its 13m wide, dividing nave is 18,85m long, and the height of the nave inside is 13m. The tower is 39m high. There are three bells, the biggest is of 420kg and the smallest of 50kg. The register books date from 1751. On the rectory teritory there is very beautiful chapel in the honor of St. Apostols Petar and Pavle and was built in 1760. Unfortunately, in 1964. it was completely knocked down. In 1879., on the community grave yard was built the chapel Christ Tomb.