Datum održavanja: 01.01.1970.

Adresa: Gospođinci

The present temple of St. Archangel Michael was built in 1970, during the period when the parish was managed by the priest Julijan Hornjak-Kuhar. The parish center was built by intercession of Stavrofor Joakim Hološnjaj in 2000. The most important cultural good of the parish represents ''Napristolno Jevanđelje'' from the first Greek-catholic church, built in this region in 1752, the wooden cabin of the holy thaumaturge Mirlikijski Nikolaj in Ruski Krstur. “Jevanđelje”, printed in Sinodalna Moscow printing office at the end of the first half of the 19th century, was given as a present to the Church of St. Archangel Michael after the proclamation of independent chaplaincy in 1934, in order to initiate regular ordination.