Datum održavanja: 01.01.1970.

Adresa: ugao Kralja Petra I i Branka Radičevića, Gospođinci

Long time ago the church in Gospođinci was dedicated to The Saint Mother of God ( Assumption and Nativity)- (Velika I Mala Gospojina), and that is how the village got its name. The temple was restored after the rebellion in 1848. in classicistic and biedermeier style. The iconostasis is made in rich electrical carving the work of Johan Kistner, made between 1860 and 1870. The golden surface was made by the Wien craftsman Topfre, at about the same year. The icons were painted by Nikola Aleksić in 1855/56. He also did some changes and restorations in the 70s of the 19th century. The icons were painted in oil colors on the canvases and then covered with paper on the wooden base. The wall pictures were made by Nikola Aleksić between 1860 and 1872. The church has four bells which were made in 1923.