Datum održavanja: 01.01.1970.

Adresa: Svetosavska 37, Đurđevo

Telefon: +381 (0)21 839 022

Thanks to donations of the villagers the construction of the new temple was started around 1805, and it was finished in 1808. It was constructed of hard materials. It’s size is: the length of the nave is 28 meters, the width is 8 meters, the height of the bell tower 28 meters, total height together with the apple and the cross 36,5 meters. The temple is dedicated to the Lord’s Ascension – Ascension Day, the same as it was the one in Temerin, from where they actually moved and it was consecrated by His High Grace Father Nikanor, the Bishop of Bačka. The iconostasis was done by painter Jovan Kešanski from Nadalj, in cooperation with painter Stevan Aleksić. Frescoes were done by a painter from Grgeteg Monastery, a priest monk Naum Andrić. In 1999, the temple was renovated from the outside, it was covered by new copper, the old tiles were changed, and both crosses were over gilded, the temple was plastered and painted in white. During the constructions in the apple on the bell tower an information that the last works on the church were done in 1868, was found. The church has got 4 bells.