Datum održavanja: 01.01.1970.

Adresa: Aleja Kestenova bb, Kanjiža

Telefon: +381 (0)24 873 767

Email: zgeza@stereonet.info

According to the old beliefs The Little Church stands on the sunny side of the Avenue of Chestnuts, on the half way between the Big Church and railway station. The Church of St. Paul in Kanjiža was built by Terez Tukats (Tereza Takač) in the glory of the God and as the remembrance of her husband Pala Totha (Pal Tot).

The building began in 1912. and finished on May,28. 1913. It was canonized by the chaplain of Kanjiža Zsigmond Nemet. The length of the church is 23,5 m, wide 7,5 m, height 8,5 m, and bell tower is 35 m high. The small church is built in neo-gothic style. Above the main entrance there is the memorial board on which it is written: "In the glory of God, and of my passed away husband this was built by Toth Palne born Terez Tukats, married 1912. It was build by the master-builder Sandor Batta, senior."

"The church was built in the Sveti Stefan street, with a lot of fights because nor the that time chaplain Natyas Marton didn’t want nor archbishop’s office in Kaloča want the church to be built on that place. But the spinster insisted on this location as she once , in 30’s of 20th century, confessed to the priest. Her late husband once came to her dream and said to her that she has to build the church on the place where she has seen the big white pigeon on a big tree. This was the place where she saw it and that is why she gave the order for the church to be built here, on this very place."

From 1927. it exists as the independent clergy, and since 1931. as the perish church. The church tower first was built with the dome in the shape of curve  but on the one of early reconstructions  it was replaced and it got today’s shape. The first bells of the church were taken so Toth Palne gave the instructions for the new one  and they were made in the new foundry Ferrum in Subotica. In the bell tower there are three bells- the bell of St. Paul ( big one), the bell of St. Tereza and the bell of St. John. The main altar was built of white Karar marble, in the shape of triptych like gothic winged altars, with the big statue of St. Paul. In transversal nave there is secondary altar of Marija Lurdska, also made of white marble. In 1939. the sacristy was enlarged  and it was painted. In 1970. the chorus was widened and that way the capacity of the church was enlarged. On the chorus there are organs made in the work shop of Jozsef Angszter and his son, which were adjusted to the style of the church. The organs are symmetrically  divided. The organs of pneumatic regime at first were of 5 registers and in 1998. they were widen to 7 registers. In 1939. there was made an opposite altar of white marble. The donor is chaplain-dean reverend Dr Geza Zapletan.