Datum održavanja: 01.01.1970.
Adresa: Kralja Petra I 79, Đurđevo
The building of the present Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary " began in spring in 1900. It was consecrated on St. Archangel Michael Day at the end of the same year. The contemporary Bishop of Križevci Julij Drogobeckij performed an act of consecration of the new "Nativity of the Virgin Mary " church. The iconostasis was set a few years after the building of the church, but the author of the icons is unknown. The information that icons were made in Slovakia can be read in the parish Chronicle. The interior illumination of the holly temple was done in 1914 by A. Hodovanji, the ornamental painter from Novi Sad.
The church was renovated in 1970 by Basil Ujfaluši, born in Djurdjevo. The Greek Catholic holly temple is decorated with 16 new iconic stained glass windows done by the priest Michael Hološnjai, whose technical implementation was conducted in the famous atelier " Stanišić " in Sombor.