The foundations of the church were laid between 1820 and 1825. There are many features in ...
The parish was founded in 1777 and it was a log cabin. Today's form it has had since 1891 ...
The foundation stone of the church was laid in 1938 and the consecration of the church was...
Extremely important buildings, not only as religious, but also as a tourist attraction. Wi...
The one-nave Catholic church is located in the eastern part of the city. Its construction ...
Reformist community in Pačir was established in 1786 when the ancestors of today's inhabit...
The Catholic Church was built in Pačir 1824. At that time it belonged to the Episcopate of...
The founder of the Community Baptist Church in Pačir was Banai Tot Šandor from Butsentmiha...
The Orthodox Church in Kulpin- in place of the former old church the family Stratimirović ...
Built on the site of one of the most significant events in recent history. In 1699, the fa...
The Slovak Evangelists came in Petrovac in 1745 and brought the Kraliska Bible and Tranosc...
The Catholic Church - The Catholic community had not existed in Petrovac by the end of the...
Evangelical Church in Kulpinu from 1875, was built 132 years after the settlement of Slova...
On the banks of the Danube near the settlement in the Roman period during the reign of Emp...
The Orthodox Church was recorded in the records in the eighteenth century. The Church in G...
In the 16th century, on the place of the present Cathedral Church there was a smaller chur...
The Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity is a Baroque two-nave beautiful building wit...